We are so excited to share with you covers for GRIP and FLOW, the prequel, by Kennedy Ryan!
FLOW releases on February 25 and will be totally FREE!
GRIP releases on March 2nd straight to #KindleUnlimited!
Celebrate the reveals with a $25 Gift Card GIVEAWAY (Winner’s Choice)!
ENTER HERE: https://www.facebook.com/KennedyRyanAuthor
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➡Check out more information here: http://kennedyryanwrites.com/grip/

GRIP Synopsis:


FLOW (The GRIP Prequel) – Releasing FREE a few days before GRIP!
If I could undo your kisses
If I could un-feel your touch
If I could unhook this heart from yours
I would
But I’m trapped in the memory of what we were
Stuck with the reality of what we are
Tempted by the promise of a future
Afraid of possibility
I don’t know how our story ends, but this – this is where it started.

About the Author:
Kennedy loves to write about herself in third person. She loves Diet Coke...though she's always trying to quit. She adores her husband...who she'll never quit. She loves her son, who is the most special boy on the planet. And she's devoted to supporting and serving families living with Autism.
And she writes love stories!
For updates, new releases, giveaways and other adventures, subscribe to her newsletter: https://app.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/j9u8i3
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